Reasons to make your websites mobile-friendly or optimized.

Reasons to make your websites mobile-friendly or optimized.

Even though they might seem ever-present in our lives, smartphones are still a relatively recent invention. While many businesses and individuals have made their websites mobile-friendly or even mobile-optimized, many, especially older firms have not done so. These days, that can be a mistake that means a lot of missed opportunities. Here’s why everyone should optimize their websites for mobile use.

It’s the most unnecessary way to lose customers

Making your website mobile-optimized should be something everyone does. It’s almost as a basis of a thing as keeping good sleep or washing your hands, yet many don’t do it. Why’s that? Many think that simply having an informative website will be enough to attract customers/views.

That’s simply wrong! Look at how this post looks. It’s relatively short, it has short paragraphs and it doesn’t overwhelm you with information. As a result, it’s a lot easier for you to read, especially if you’re using the LinkedIn app. This would be a mobile-friendly design.

On a website, this could be the just mentioned short paragraphs and maybe large buttons and all of this would adjust depending on the screen size. While that is great and certainly beneficial, sometimes, for example with drop-down menus, it can still be difficult for mobile users.

But let’s take this a whole step further.

Mobile optimized websites have adjusted not just in scale, but also in content, based on what device one is using. Do you want to display that one picture in a different way? Will that one drop-down menu be easier to use if it’s a little wider? Do you want more paragraphs in that one article? All that can be done by optimizing for mobile.

You have probably already noticed, that there are a lot of at least visual benefits to having a mobile-friendly/optimized website. But what does it mean for your business?

The impact of mobile-friendly/optimized websites

Most of the traffic online comes from mobile. 80% of internet users connect via smartphones. 90% of mobile users switch between devices. That means that even if you are getting most of your conversions from Desktop devices, the user most definitely browsed your website on their smartphone at some point.

After all, we all know that feeling. When we’re bored, we turn on our phones and browse the internet. If we find something useful, especially if it’s something we might be interested in purchasing, we use our Desktop computers because for some reason they still feel safer.

It simply makes a better impression and is a lot more comfortable to view a mobile-friendly website. But not just you think that, so does Google. You’re actually more likely to get good search results if your website is responsive .

What else do you spend hours of your time on? Social media. Where do redirections go from there? Mobile devices. A bad website could lose you almost all of your social media traffic. It’s that simple. So what are you waiting for? Optimize your website for mobile today!